National Parks Are Native Lands

Indigenous people were forcibly removed from their homelands – in some cases, to create national parks - yet individuals and Tribal communities maintain strong connections to the lands that have sustained them since time immemorial. Decades’ long tensions and struggles continue over Indigenous access to sacred sites within national parks, along with issues including inaccurate or inappropriately named places and educational information. Amid struggles, progress continues.
Tribal Co-Management and Leadership
In 2021, Chuck Sams became the National Park Service’s first Indigenous leader in the agency’s 105-year history, and Deb Haaland became the first Native American Cabinet Secretary in U.S. history when she began leading the Department of the Interior. As of 2024, 250+ co-stewardship agreements exist between the National Park Service and Tribal Nations, to collaboratively manage resources, protect cultural sites, and support Indigenous stewardship within national parks. Tribes and agencies must work together to ensure inclusion of Tribal priorities, values and stories in the stewardship of our public lands at every level.
For the last four years, Bears Ears National Monument has been at the center of a critical fight over Indigenous land rights. This awe-inspiring, culturally rich site was part of the largest removal of federal public land protections in U.S. history. But now that the monument is restored, could it serve as a model for Tribal collaboration in our parks?
In 1969, Southern California suffered one of the largest oil spills in history, prompting national outrage and environmental awareness. Today, part of the Pacific coast near Channel Islands National Park remains vulnerable to drilling and other threats. Soon, decades of work by the Chumash people could lead to the country’s first Tribally nominated national marine sanctuary.
Yellowstone bison returning to tribal lands represents significant progress after wild populations neared extinction. Learn more about these historic transfers & InterTribal Buffalo Council’s role with the new short film Returning The Buffalo.
There is no single narrative that adequately acknowledges the original stewards and inhabitants of our national parks — hundreds of Tribes once lived on the lands we now call the United States, all with their own unique traditions and cultural connections.
NPCA collaborated with the Navajo environmental group Dine’ CARE to produce a video that raises the profile of native voices advocating for better air quality in the Southwest.
Advocacy & Victories
As the original stewards of our public lands, Indigenous communities and Tribal leaders have played a key role in advocating for and winning victories for cherished landscapes and cultural sites. Learn more about the stories of these co-led victories – and the fights that are still ongoing.
Grand Canyon
Bears Ears
Ambler Road
A proposed 211-mile industrial mining access road would disrupt caribou migration, the subsistence lifestyles of rural Alaskans, and the integrity of Gates of the Arctic National Park and Preserve. NPCA is working to prevent construction of this expensive, unnecessary and damaging road, which won’t benefit park visitors or local communities.
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