More about Park Funding
Read more about Congress: Our parks are worth fighting for!
ActiveAction Congress: Our parks are worth fighting for! In order to face understaffing, climate disasters, and longer-term impacts, parks need funding, so when parks need financial resources, we don’t find ourselves caught in cumbersome negotiations. Our parks need action now and cannot wait.
Read more about Protect Our National Park Service Staff
ActiveAction Protect Our National Park Service Staff Parks wouldn’t be parks without the people of the National Park Service – and those people are under attack. Tell Congress to stand up for park staff and to roll back devastating job cuts.
Read more about Inflation Reduction Act: Preparing parks for the future
NPCA AT WORK Inflation Reduction Act: Preparing parks for the future Passed in August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is the largest investment our country has made to cut climate pollution while preparing parks and communities from its impacts. $700 million has now been allocated to hire more staff and better prepare our parks’ natural, cultural and historic resources to withstand a changing climate. Today, parks are using these funding infusions for projects addressing climate change’s impacts, from flooding to extreme heat.
Read more about Support Storm Recovery Funding for the National Park Service
NPCA at Work Support Storm Recovery Funding for the National Park Service Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria devastated communities. They also caused unprecedented damage to national parks. Hundreds of millions of dollars are needed to repair these parks and protect the National Park Service budget, which is already underfunded and cannot absorb the huge cost of hurricane recovery.
My goal is to visit every national park and do everything I can to help ensure our parks are here to stay for generations to come. The parks are a happy place where people come together to make memories and cherish the natural beauty of our world. It is the current generations' job to protect and conserve the parks so that future generations may know how special these natural wonders are and may share it with their loved ones as well. — Lauren
Read more about Great American Outdoors Act
Victory Great American Outdoors Act The Great American Outdoors Act is providing crucial funding – up to $6.65 billion over five years – to fix our national parks’ crumbling roads, decaying buildings, outdated water systems and many more repair needs.
Read more about Don't Cut Funding to the Chesapeake
NPCA at Work Don't Cut Funding to the Chesapeake The Chesapeake watershed supports the health of more than 50 national parks, and we can't afford to reverse important gains to water quality and habitat restoration
Read more about National Heritage Areas Preserve America’s Landscapes and History
NPCA at Work National Heritage Areas Preserve America’s Landscapes and History From the Motor City to the Arabia Mountains, we should invest in the cost-effective partnerships that share America’s stories and create jobs around the country
Read more about Grand Teton Expanded by 640 Acres, Protecting Vulnerable Lands
Victory Grand Teton Expanded by 640 Acres, Protecting Vulnerable Lands A new land exchange will preserve the wildlife-rich “Antelope Flats parcel” with its stunning views and critical habitat.
Read more about Support Increased National Park Funding
NPCA at Work Support Increased National Park Funding Preserving America’s heritage should be a bipartisan issue.
Read more about Congress Funds the Land & Water Conservation Fund in Perpetuity
Victory Congress Funds the Land & Water Conservation Fund in Perpetuity Congress passed a bill dedicating full funding in perpetuity to one of our nation's most important conservation tools protecting public lands from incompatible development.
Read more about Reauthorize Funding for National Park Transportation
Victory Reauthorize Funding for National Park Transportation As federal facilities, the transportation facilities within national parks are paid for through federal gas tax dollars in the Highway Trust Fund. A lack of sufficient funding has impeded ongoing and future transportation projects across the country and in our national parks--but that's starting to change.
Read more about The Power of Your Voice
Blog Post The Power of Your Voice You, too, can be a strong park advocate. An NPCA staff member recounts her own empowering journey from park visitor to park protector.
Read more about What a Federal Government Shutdown Means for National Parks
Blog Post What a Federal Government Shutdown Means for National Parks If Congress fails to pass a continuing resolution to extend federal funding by midnight tonight, the federal government will shut down.
Read more about NPCA Commends Vital Funding for National Parks Facing Back-to-Back Disasters
Press Release NPCA Commends Vital Funding for National Parks Facing Back-to-Back Disasters If passed, the bill will fund repairs for badly damaged infrastructure at more than a dozen national park sites and support local economies that rely on them to the tune of $26 billion in annual visitor spending.
Read more about Celebrating 2024’s Top 5 Park Victories
Blog Post Celebrating 2024’s Top 5 Park Victories NPCA applauds another year of incredible victories we, and our supporters, made possible to protect our parks!
Read more about Bipartisan Bill to Keep Fixing National Parks Arrives Not a Moment Too Soon
Press Release Bipartisan Bill to Keep Fixing National Parks Arrives Not a Moment Too Soon "This bill is a promise that we will continue to take care of the places that mean so much to so many people." - Theresa Pierno, NPCA's President and CEO
Read more about Can a Lame Duck Congress Get Anything Done?
Blog Post Can a Lame Duck Congress Get Anything Done? Yes, and here’s what Congress can do for national parks.
Read more about What’s Next for Parks in a Second Trump Administration?
Blog Post What’s Next for Parks in a Second Trump Administration? Since 1919, NPCA has been an independent voice, outside of the government and nonpartisan. We will continue to be a strong, unwavering voice for our national parks.
Read more about Inflation Reduction Act: Preparing parks for the future
Resource Inflation Reduction Act: Preparing parks for the future Passed in August 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is the largest investment our country has made to cut climate pollution while preparing parks and communities from its impacts. $700 million has now been allocated to hire more staff and better prepare our parks’ natural, cultural and historic resources to withstand a changing climate.
Read more about An Uncertain Future for Our National Parks?
Blog Post An Uncertain Future for Our National Parks? NPCA and our supporters urge Congress to adequately fund our national parks and continue to address the $23 billion maintenance backlog so parks can thrive for generations to come.
Read more about 10 Parks Getting a Boost Through the Great American Outdoors Act
Blog Post 10 Parks Getting a Boost Through the Great American Outdoors Act 2020’s historic investment continues to improve our national parks. Read about some of the latest maintenance and repair projects and why NPCA urges Congress to extend the act’s funding to finish the job.
Read more about Senate’s Funding Proposal Would Better Protect National Parks and Support More Park Rangers
Press Release Senate’s Funding Proposal Would Better Protect National Parks and Support More Park Rangers “In stark contrast to the spending bill that just passed the House, the Senate’s bipartisan proposal seeks to get our national parks back on the right track." - Kristen Brengel, NPCA's SVP of Government Affairs
Read more about Transportation Funding in and Near National Parks: NPCA & Partners Field Guide to Federal Grants
Resource Transportation Funding in and Near National Parks: NPCA & Partners Field Guide to Federal Grants This guide was developed to provide National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) staff and partners the resources and contacts necessary to pursue federal funding for transportation and transit projects in and near national parks.
Read more about Great American Outdoors Act Success Stories
Fact Sheet Great American Outdoors Act Success Stories The Great American Outdoors Act is providing crucial funding – up to $6.65 billion over five years – to fix our national parks’ crumbling roads, decaying buildings, outdated water systems and many more repair needs. This bill, along with other funding sources, is ensuring our parks can continue to welcome millions of visitors each year and protect the natural and cultural resources that tell our nation’s history.
Read more about Challenge Congress to Provide $250 Million for History and Culture at our National Parks
Report Challenge Congress to Provide $250 Million for History and Culture at our National Parks History is at the heart of our national parks. Many national parks preserve stories of a battles, turning points, triumphs, and tragedies, or simply the lives of ordinary Americans. Since the National Park Service’s creation by Congress back in 1916, the agency has been charged with protecting and interpreting American history.
Read more about Good Works Ahead
Infographic Good Works Ahead The 2020 passage of the Great American Outdoors Act established the National Parks and Public Lands Legacy Restoration Fund, setting aside up to $6.65 BILLION to address critical repair needs in national parks. Here’s a snapshot of the number of plans in the pipeline, the parks and states benefiting, and the funds allocated for specific projects during the first two years of the five-year investment.
Read more about Poll Shows Public Supports Inflation Reduction Act Funding for Climate Change
Report Poll Shows Public Supports Inflation Reduction Act Funding for Climate Change A new poll by the National Parks Conservation Association finds that most Americans support funding infrastructure that will help national parks withstand climate change.
Read more about A Sound Investment: Restoring the Great Lakes in Our National Parks
Report A Sound Investment: Restoring the Great Lakes in Our National Parks These success stories highlight the important role our national parks play in restoring the Great Lakes – the largest source of fresh water on the planet.
Read more about Great Lakes Restoration Initiative
Fact Sheet Great Lakes Restoration Initiative The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) is a federal funded program that was launched in 2010 to accelerate efforts to restore and protect the Great Lakes – the largest fresh water system in the world.
Read more about A Disastrous Time for National Parks: Congress Must Act Fast To Rebuild Them Stronger
Storymap A Disastrous Time for National Parks: Congress Must Act Fast To Rebuild Them Stronger In recent years, we’ve witnessed record floods, severe and more frequent storms and hurricanes destroy communities, shutting down businesses and ripping through our parks and the landscapes, wildlife and life-changing experiences they hold. Take a deeper dive to see the devastation of these disasters and what you can do to help.
Read more about $11.6 Billion and Counting
Report $11.6 Billion and Counting When Can Parks Expect Repair Funding?
Read more about NPCA Letter on National Capital Region Fees for Demonstrations
Letter NPCA Letter on National Capital Region Fees for Demonstrations The National Park Service has proposed a variety of changes for special events and demonstrations in and around Washington, D.C., such as modifying and establishing restricted areas at memorials, establishing a maximum permit length of 30 days, and expanding the number of areas where a permit isn’t necessary for demonstrations. The most controversial change is floating the idea of recovering some of the costs for demonstrated events.
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