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Park Ellis Island National Monument Ellis Island straddles New York and New Jersey and commemorates the immigrant experience. Millions of American stories began at Ellis Island; by some estimates, 40% of people in the country today have at least one ancestor who entered the U.S. via this station. Though considered a gateway to the American dream, long lines and the threat of detainment and deportation tested the resolve of immigrants, many of whom had already spent days and sometimes months on crowded, unsanitary ships to escape persecution and poverty in their homelands.
Park El Malpais National Monument This diverse volcanic landscape includes lava tube caves and lava bridges, sandstone bluffs, open grasslands, forest, and the 125-foot La Ventana Arch, one of the most accessible natural rock arches in New Mexico.
Park El Morro National Monument Travelers have stopped at the year-round freshwater pool at El Morro for centuries. Park visitors can see the 2,000 messages and pictures carved into the rock over the past 700 years and climb to the top of the park's dramatic sandstone bluff.
Park Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument This national park site honors the family of Emmett Till, preserves the history of one of the country's most horrific hate crimes, and commemorates the struggle for civil rights that continues today.
Park Eugene O'Neill National Historic Site Eugene O’Neill was America’s only Nobel Prize-winning playwright, and this home and studio in Contra Costa County is where he wrote many of his best-known and most celebrated works, including "A Long Day’s Journey into Night," "The Iceman Cometh" and "A Moon for the Misbegotten."
Park Everglades National Park One of the largest wetlands in the world, this iconic "River of Grass" protects 1.5 million acres of subtropical wilderness in South Florida.
Park Federal Hall National Memorial Located on Wall Street in New York City, Federal Hall is a memorial to America’s early government. In this place is where George Washington gave his inaugural oath, the Continental Congress met after the American Revolution, the First Congress met, and the Bill of Rights was constructed. After the seat of federal power moved to Philadelphia in 1790, the original building was eventually razed, and a second building was completed at the same site in 1842. This newer facility became the nation’s first customs house, as well as one of six federal treasury buildings storing millions of dollars’ worth of precious metals between 1862 and 1920. The memorial now houses a museum on Washington’s administration, including the original Bible from his inauguration.
Park Fire Island National Seashore This 32-mile stretch of barrier island offers beaches and historic buildings, dunes and maritime forests, and a dynamic coastal landscape with hiking, boating, camping and wildlife-watching opportunities.
Park First Ladies National Historic Site They command the attention of millions and spearhead initiatives that shape our culture, yet for years, no comprehensive resource helped to document and interpret the lives of America’s first ladies. Recognizing this need, enthusiast Mary Regula, wife of a former Ohio congressman, helped establish a bibliography on these leaders. Her efforts led to a National First Ladies Library in 1996 and this historic site in 2000 — one of only a handful of national parks devoted specifically to interpreting women’s history. Though the site preserves the childhood home of one individual woman — First Lady Ida Saxton McKinley — it also archives a wealth of information on the diverse lives of dozens of influential women who served in this rare and distinctive role in American politics and society.
Park First State National Historical Park This urban oasis along the Brandywine River in Delaware tells much of early American history, from the Native American Lenape tribe that lived in the river valley to the Wyeth family of artists who still paint its beautiful landscapes. The largest battle of the Revolutionary War, the Battle of the Brandywine, was fought here, and the birth of industry was literally propelled by the Brandywine River’s steady flow. Even the paper used to print the Declaration of Independence was made on the Brandywine River. The monument also commemorates the legacy and perseverance of early Dutch, Swedish and English settlements, a vital aspect of the state’s rich history.
Park Flight 93 National Memorial This site preserves the crash site of Flight 93 commemorates the passengers and crew who, on September 11, 2001, gave their lives to thwart a planned attack on the nation's capital. Visitors can learn about the lives of these brave men and women, see a marble wall inscribed with their names, and walk through a grove of 40 memorial trees planted in their honor.
Park Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument Over 1,700 plant and animal fossils have been discovered in the rich deposits that cover this monument. From giant Sequoias to delicate leaves, fish, birds, insects and spiders, these fossils give scientists an idea of what North America was like 34 million years ago.
Park Ford's Theatre National Historic Site Confederate sympathizer John Wilkes Booth assassinated 16th President Abraham Lincoln in this building just five days after General Robert E. Lee surrendered in April 1865, signaling the end of the Civil War. Still an active theater, this site includes the compact performance space where the president and First Lady Mary Todd Lincoln watched the production of Our American Cousin from a box above the proscenium arch. Beneath the theater, a basement museum now houses artifacts from the event, including the president’s greatcoat, the assassin’s diary and the actual .44-caliber Derringer from the fatal attack. Across the street, visitors can also explore the home of the German tailor William A. Petersen where Lincoln was carried after the shooting and was tended to until his death hours later.
Park Fort Bowie National Historic Site This historic site commemorates the 30-year battle between American soldiers and Chiricahua Apaches during the mid-1800s. Visitors can hike through a historic tract of the American West and learn about the U.S. military operations that eventually culminated in Geronimo's surrender in 1886 and the displacement of the Chiricahua people to Florida and Alabama.
Park Fort Caroline National Memorial Settlers founded Fort Caroline in 1564 as one of the first French colonies in the United States. Spanish troops attacked the fort in 1565 and massacred the inhabitants, ending French colonization of the region. The Spanish occupied the site as San Mateo until 1569. Today, the site is managed as part of the Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve. Though no one knows the original location of the fort, the current memorial on the banks of the St. Johns River in Jacksonville, Florida, was built near the place where French explorer René Goulaine de Laudonnière first landed his boat.
Park Fort Davis National Historic Site Curious about life at a frontier military post? Wondering what it would have been like to serve in the military at a remote barracks during the Indian Wars? Fort Davis is one of the best examples of a frontier fort in the Southwest. The site is also widely recognized for its role in the history of the Buffalo Soldiers, African-Americans who enlisted in the frontier Army and served as some of the nation's first national park rangers. The undeveloped and historic views at the site are just as much a part of the experience as the fort itself, letting visitors experience the wide-open vistas much as the soldiers did in the 19th century.
Park Fort Donelson National Battlefield Union General Ulysses S. Grant first won his first Civil War victory at Fort Donelson in February 1862, earning the nickname “Unconditional Surrender.” Formerly enslaved African Americans flocked to the fort after the victory, and the site is now part of the Park Service’s Underground Railroad Network to Freedom program. Visitors can tour the earthen forts that became a refuge guiding enslaved men and women toward freedom, as well as a cemetery on the banks of the Cumberland River.
Park Fort Frederica National Monument In 1733, British General James Edward Oglethorpe established the colony of Georgia in the region between the British-ruled colony of South Carolina and the Spanish-ruled colony of Florida. Oglethorpe built Fort Frederica just three years later to protect this new colony from Spanish attack.
Park Fort Laramie National Historic Site Originally established as a private fur trading fort in 1834, Fort Laramie evolved into the largest and best known military post on the Northern Plains before its abandonment in 1890. This “grand old post” at the confluence of the Laramie River and the North Platte River in eastern Wyoming witnessed a sweeping saga of America’s western expansion and American Indian resistance to encroachment on indigenous territories.
Park Fort Larned National Historic Site This U.S. Army frontier post was part of the history of the Indian Wars along the Santa Fe Trail from 1859 to 1878. The national historic site preserves the fort's barracks, shops, officers' quarters and supply warehouses and shares stories of the conflicts with Native American tribes of the Great Plains during this period. Today, visitors can experience living history with reenactments, educational programs, weapons demonstrations and ranger-guided tours of this well-preserved site.
Park Fort Matanzas National Monument Built by the Spanish in 1742 to protect an inlet of the Matanzas River, this masonry fort near St. Augustine, Florida, was built on the site of a 16th century massacre. Twelve British ships were forced to retreat in a brief skirmish in 1742 as the fort was nearing completion. Today, the site preserves part of an intact barrier island ecosystem, including beaches and a nature trail.
Park Fort McHenry National Monument & Historic Shrine During the War of 1812, British forces sailed to Baltimore, Maryland, intent on attacking the city. But Baltimore was defended by Fort McHenry — a star-shaped fort perfectly situated on the Baltimore Harbor. On the morning of September 13, 1814, the British navy attacked the fort for 25 hours. Francis Scott Key witnessed the bombardment from a ship in Baltimore harbor and expressed his gratitude and relief at the victory in a poem that became "The Star-Spangled Banner."
Park Fort Monroe National Monument Nestled at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, Fort Monroe played a pivotal role in ending slavery in America, when it became known as "Freedom's Fortress" during the Civil War.
Park Fort Necessity National Battlefield Fort Necessity was the site of the first battle of the French and Indian War, the first and only military surrender of George Washington's military career.
Park Fort Point National Historic Site Fort Point has stood guard over the narrow entry into San Francisco Bay for 150 years, and served as a base for architects and builders of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Park Fort Pulaski National Monument Fort Pulaski National Monument is located on Cockspur Island at the mouth of the Savannah River in Georgia. Built to protect the city of Savannah, the structure was part of a system of forts built to protect the United States after the War of 1812. Today it stands as one of the best-preserved examples of these coastal defenses.
Park Fort Raleigh National Historic Site Fort Raleigh National Historic Site honors the earliest English settlers in America, including Sir Walter Raleigh's "Lost Colony," which disappeared from Roanoke Island between 1587 and 1590.
Park Fort Scott National Historic Site Before the Civil War, the slavery debate was fought in small towns in the Plains states. Fort Scott National Historic Site recalls the violence that became known as "Bleeding Kansas."
Park Fort Smith National Historic Site At Fort Smith National Historic Site, you can walk three-quarters of a mile along the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail to the Trail of Tears Overlook. Here, more than 46,000 American Indians crossed the river into Oklahoma, completing their forced relocation from Georgia and Florida. Tens of thousands died en route.
Park Fort Stanwix National Monument Fort Stanwix National Monument recalls the steadfast Continental Army, which withstood the 21-day siege of 1777 to help pave the way for American Independence.