NPCA is looking ahead to the next century of park protection, and we want fellow park supporters and advocates to join us.

America’s more than 400 national parks protect unique and irreplaceable landscapes, preserve our shared history and provide space for us to connect with nature and each other. National parks are a legacy that we as Americans have been fortunate to inherit. It is now our responsibility, and our honor, to protect that legacy. For over 100 years, the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) has led this charge.

Now, we’ve launched the Protecting America’s Legacy campaign with an ambitious $300 million goal that will empower us to safeguard the places we love for the next one hundred years. We hope you’ll join us.

Our Vision for the Parks

NPCA has a bold vision for America’s national parks. These goals will help ensure that our nation’s most iconic and beloved places are here, and thriving, for generations to come.

That's Why We've...

Our Cornerstone Efforts

[PAL] Everglades

Everglades National Park, FL

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Conserving Critical Landscapes

NPCA is safeguarding our nation’s most awe-inspiring places with our science-based Landscape Conservation initiative by connecting 20 landscapes critical for the long-term health of our most beloved parks.

The historic Pullman administration building.

The historic Pullman administration building.

camera icon Historic Pullman Foundation/Robert Shymanski

Creating and Launching Parks

NPCA is working to create, expand and support new national park sites that will help tell a fuller and richer American story, such as Pullman National Historical Park, Emmett Till and Mamie Till-Mobley National Monument, and Stonewall National Monument. Once a park is created, NPCA will work to support the site and ensure it receives the funding and resources it needs to be welcoming, informative and accessible to all visitors.

[PAL] Cadillac Mountain

Cadillac Mountain, Acadia National Park, ME 

camera icon ©Shutterstock

Securing Park Funding

NPCA is protecting the experiences of more than 300 million park visitors by ensuring parks receive the resources they need to stay staffed, open to the public and prepared for any flood, hurricane or other risks by advocating for much-needed park funding. We are also championing in Congress to secure funding for park maintenance projects, such as fixing roads, repairing building and updating trails.

[PAL] Courthouse

Overhead shot of Tallahatchie County Courthouse, MS  

camera icon ©NPCA

Preserving Our History

NPCA is working with Congress, the Administration, and on-the-ground partners to invest in safeguarding our nation’s most important cultural and historic places and assets, and the stories they tell, so they are preserved for generations of park visitors to learn from and enjoy.

Key Actions

  • Start your own fundraiser

    Create a fundraiser that invites friends and family to help protect America’s legacy by turning your passion such as hiking, park visits or honoring someone special into dollars raised. Get started and create your fundraiser today!

  • Make a Campaign GIft

    When you give to NPCA, you join a century-long movement to protect and preserve our national parks now and for generations to come. Donate now!

  • Become a Park Advocate

    Learn about the challenges and opportunities facing national parks, then use your voice to advocate on their behalf. Take Action!

  • Attend an NPCA Event
  • Share Your Park Story

    National parks represent the best of America. Why do you care about protecting and preserving them? Tell us why parks matter to you!

When you give to NPCA, you join a century-long movement to protect and preserve our national parks now and for generations to come. You are making an investment in the places and stories that have shaped our nation. And you are leaving a legacy that will ensure the landscapes, wildlife and historic places we love will endure for our grandchildren – and their grandchildren – to enjoy. 

Make a tax-deductible gift today to provide a brighter future for our national parks and the millions of Americans who enjoy them.

Donate Now