Priceless places,
priceless memories.

National parks represent the best of America. Why do you care about protecting and preserving them? Tell us why parks matter to you!

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  • Greetings from Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

    I've just read the excellent email posting from NPCA about the need to protect lands that surround our national parks and establish new protected areas in significant and ecologically sensitive areas of the country. I was stunned and dismayed to find out that NONE of these included the northern Great…

  • Greetings from Glacier National Park

    We visited the park in the summer of 2020, it was part of a multi-park trip that we planned with two other couples. I can say without reservation it was INCREDIBLE. The absolutely awesome beauty of the place is something everyone should see at least once in their lives. It…

  • Greetings from Crater Lake National Park

    I had never seen Crater Lake in the snow and was determined to do so. There was some in the forecast one night last year when I happened to be passing through the area so I spent a chilly night in my tent just outside the park before driving in…

  • Greetings from Guadalupe Mountains National Park

    In July 1978 my wife and I climbed Guadalupe Peak and signed the summit register. Our daughter was born in May 1979. My wife died in July 2002, and my daughter and I climbed Guadalupe as a memorial to her and we signed the summit register. At the ranger station…

  • Greetings from Wright Brothers National Memorial

    My son, Jos, had just graduated from St. John's College in Annaolis, MD. We were driving back to Kansas and detoured to North Carolina and the Outer Banks. My mother, Louise Foudray, was the curator of the Amelia Earhart Home in Atchison, KS for over 25 years (retired from there…

  • Greetings from Mount Rainier National Park

    In the Seattle Area, we have a saying the "Mount's out!" That's short hand for we have a clear view of Mt Rainier. My mom loved the mount so we are regular visitors a few times a year. My kids can now say they have hiked parts of it. Take…

  • Greetings from Mount Rushmore National Memorial

    My now husband and I were on a National Park road trip in 2016 (Badlands, Rushmore, Devil's Tower, Yellowstone, Grand Teton). We had a long day exploring South Dakota and got to Mount Rushmore at sunset. While hiking around the base of the monument, he asked me if I wanted…

  • Greetings from Grand Canyon National Park

    I have been to this gorgeous park a few times and each time it’s still breathtaking!

  • Greetings from National Mall and Memorial Parks

    Friends and countrymen we come to praise America not to bury it.



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