Greetings from Antietam National Battlefield

We raised our son in the lovely hills of the Maryland/West Virginia border. We frequently went to Antietam, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg to see the history of our country. There are also many, many small local parks which one can take advantage of. I believe these parks and a visit we made to The Biltmore, where Forestry had its inception, were what led him to follow his heart to his chosen profession. The Boy Scouts were tantamount in his growth, also. I am very proud of him and how he has led his life..with honour and respect for our national treasures…forests.


Antietam National Battlefield

On September 17, 1862, Union and Confederate soldiers battled for 12 savage hours on the banks of Antietam Creek. When the fighting was over, 23,000 people were killed, wounded or missing, making it the single bloodiest day of the Civil War. The Union Army’s performance led President Abraham Lincoln to issue the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, formally alerting the Confederacy of his intention to free enslaved Americans in those states. Today, Antietam National Battlefield is one of the best-preserved Civil War sites in the country where visitors continue to honor the legacy of the soldiers who fought there.

State(s): Maryland

Established: 1890

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