Online Comment-Writing Workshop for the I-495 Expansion

Don't let Maryland pave our parks!

In an effort to alleviate traffic congestion, the state of Maryland has proposed a massive four-lane expansion for Interstates 495 and 270. Unfortunately, the project — whose benefits are far from certain — would impact six national park sites, threaten dozens of local and regional parks, and endanger 30 miles of streams, 50 acres of wetlands, and 1,500 acres of forest canopy.

The recently released Draft Environmental Impact Statement sheds light on several of these environmental and community concerns. It’s not too late to voice your opposition and speak up for thoughtful, sustainable traffic solutions. The comment period is open through November 9.

Please join NPCA staff and representatives from the Rock Creek Conservancy, Audubon Naturalist Society and Maryland Sierra Club on Tuesday, September 8, to learn how to speak out against this harmful proposal.

calendary icon Date September 8, 2020
  • Time:
    6:00 PM - 7:30 PM (EDT)
  • Location:
  • Cost:

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