For Media
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Press Release National Park Advocates Call on EPA to Protect Big Cypress National Preserve from Oil and Gas Exploration In recent years, massive oil hunts across the wilderness of Big Cypress National Preserve have caused heartbreaking damage to this iconic national park site. The EPA has a chance to stop it for good.
Press Release NPCA Recognized as One of USA’s Top Workplaces “Truly, our greatest asset is our people.” Theresa Pierno, President and CEO
Press Release Victory: Bristol Bay, Parks and Wildlife Safe from Pebble Mine "Today’s critical action affirms the irreplaceable significance of this region, home to the world’s largest sockeye salmon run and Alaska Native communities for time immemorial" -- NPCA President and CEO Theresa Pierno
Press Release Voyageurs National Park, Boundary Waters Protected from Toxic Mining "Banning mining activities in the region’s watershed will protect the broader park ecosystem now and for years to come.” -- Christine Goepfert
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association y Nature Valley anuncian nueva serie de videos que celebra los espacios naturales y las historias que ellos inspiran National Parks Conservation Association y Nature Valley fomentan la protección permanente de lugares que honran a personas e historias personales que han influido en la historia de nuestros terrenos públicos.
Press Release National Parks Conservation Association and Nature Valley Announce New Video Series Celebrating Spaces and Stories Within Nature National Parks Conservation Association and Nature Valley are furthering the permanent protection of places that honor the people and stories who shaped our public lands.
Press Release EPA Ignores Mother Nature in Proposal for Stronger Clean Air Protections New soot pollution standards address public health threats but not ecosystems and overall welfare.
Press Release Biden’s Final Water Rule Better Protects Waterways for People and Parks "Today we can all celebrate cleaner water for our national parks and communities."
Press Release Congress Takes Bold, Bipartisan Step in Protecting America’s Heritage and History National heritage areas help tell the full range of American stories. This new law will create a formal system for national heritage areas and designate seven new ones to help communities protect priceless, diverse American history across the country.
Press Release National Park Service Agrees: Till Story Should Be Preserved “This study confirms what many Americans across the country instinctively understand: the story of Emmett Till’s lynching, one of the most infamous hate crimes in American history, is nationally significant and worthy of preservation." -- NPCA's Alan Spears
Press Release Congress Increases National Park Funding for Staffing and Recent Natural Disasters, Misses Opportunity to Pass Popular Bipartisan Park Bills "This funding will help our parks bring back hundreds of staff to safely welcome the millions of people who visit them and keep gateway communities up and running.” - Theresa Pierno, NPCA's President and CEO
Press Release Arches, Glacier and Rocky Mountain to Resume Timed Entry Access in 2023 “Thanks to managed access, visitors to Arches, Glacier and Rocky Mountain saw more wildlife and wild lands than brake lights and traffic jams the last several years" -- NPCA's Cassidy Jones
Press Release President Biden Poised to Designate Avi Kwa Ame National Monument in Nevada "Avi Kwa Ame National Monument honors the Native Americans who have long called for preservation of their cultural heritage, and we urge the President to take swift action" -- NPCA's Theresa Pierno
Press Release Administration's Methane Rule Must Go Further to Protect Parks, Taxpayers and Communities Bureau of Land Management's new draft rule does not do enough to reduce waste caused by venting and flaring methane
Press Release Report Confirms Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Is Economic Powerhouse for NJ, PA Communities New research commissioned by NPCA makes it clear that the park is generating enormous economic opportunity for local businesses, helping support the unique character of the Delaware River Basin.
Press Release Parks Group Welcomes Legislation To Permanently Protect Greater Chaco From Oil And Gas Leasing Bill reintroduced into Congress today would prevent new oil and gas leasing on federal land within 10-miles of Chaco Culture National Historic Park
Press Release Judge Allows Biden Administration to Delay Restoring Critical Endangered Species Act Protections “This decision is a setback to America’s conservation legacy and diminishes our ability to protect threatened and endangered species amidst the dual climate and biodiversity crisis” -- NPCA's Bart Melton
Press Release Lawsuit Challenges Army Corps Decision Imperiling Wetlands Near Okefenokee Swamp Agency's unlawful reversal leaves nearly 600 acres of wetlands without federal protections.
Press Release Park Advocates Support a Path Forward for Chesapeake National Recreation Area The Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in the nation. Thousands of years of history and one-of-a-kind natural wonders come alive here.
Press Release EPA Proposes Stronger Methane Regulations to Combat the Climate Crisis and Protect the Health of National Parks and Communities If finalized, these methane regulations will better hold the oil and gas industry accountable to reduce methane pollution and address the climate crisis.
Press Release Wildlife Advocates Applaud Restart of Process to Return Grizzly Bears to North Cascades New science-led effort aims to reintroduce grizzlies back into the wild habitat they previously roamed for thousands of years
Press Release Data Center Developers Take Aim at Manassas National Battlefield Park "As national park advocates, we will be there every step of the way, fighting for this priceless place and looking for every opportunity to protect its history."
Press Release Pullman National Monument Leaders Celebrated with National Conservation Award Pullman National Monument Superintendent Teri Gage and Pullman Project Manager Todd Ravesloot celebrated for their innovative and unwavering work to transform Chicago’s first and only national park site.
Press Release Secretary Haaland, Park Advocates Meet at Emmett Till Funeral Site Emmett’s mother, Mamie Till-Mobley, insisted on a public, open-casket funeral for her son at Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ in Chicago, saying “Let the world see what they did to my boy.”
Press Release Great Smokies Superintendent Receives Award for Hikes for Healing Program In the wake of the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many other Black Americans in 2020, Superintendent Cassius Cash created the Smokies Hikes for Healing program.
Press Release Famed Ghost Orchid Moves One Step Closer to Endangered Species Act Protection Climate change, draining of wetlands, and rampant development have also contributed to this sharp decline in an already hard-to-find species.
Press Release Victory! Blackwell School Becomes America’s Newest National Park Site With a stroke of his pen, President Biden directed the National Park Service to save history at this former segregated school for Latinos
Press Release ¡Victoria! La Escuela Blackwell Se Convierte En Un Nuevo Parque Nacional de los Estados Unidos Con su firma, el presidente Biden instruye al Servicio de Parques Nacionales el resguardo de la historia de esa antigua escuela donde segregaron a los latinos.
Press Release President Biden Designates Camp Hale-Continental Divide National Monument This site honors our veterans’ sacrifices and preserves critical lands and waters in Colorado.
Press Release Alaska Wildlife: Court Orders National Park Service to Revise Hunting Rules District Court concludes that rule allowing destructive hunting practices on national preserves in Alaska is arbitrary, sends it back to agencies to revise