Priceless places,
priceless memories.

National parks represent the best of America. Why do you care about protecting and preserving them? Tell us why parks matter to you!

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  • Greetings from Joshua Tree National Park

    My girlfriend and I decided to wake up in the dead of the night to see the sunrise in Joshua Tree National Park. It had been on my to do list for awhile now and I had heard how Cholla Cactus Garden was the best spot for such an adventure.…

  • Greetings from Rocky Mountain National Park

    My fiancée asked me to be her wife on June 4 at Spraque Lake overlooking the snowy caps of the breathtaking Rocky Mountains! Our best friends were there to cheer along as I said yes!

  • Greetings from Yosemite National Park

    My parents divorced when I was a toddler but I still got to benefit from their shared love for the outdoors. My mom moved us to Northern California when I was 8 and I'll never forget my first visit to Yosemite where we camped for several days. I vividly remember…

  • Greetings from Stonewall National Monument

    I finally visited Stonewall in 2018. Who knew it would become a national monument?

  • Greetings from Canyonlands National Park

    I'm sitting on top of the world singing a song. Yes singing a song.

  • Greetings from Devils Tower National Monument

    I had my close encounter here one summer afternoon.

  • Greetings from Grand Teton National Park

    They're real and they're spectacular!

  • Greetings from Olympic National Park

    In 1993 I was 16 years old and had just come out in my small town. There was no one else I knew, no support groups, no gay characters in TV or movies. Fortunately, I had very supportive friends. I spent that summer volunteering in the backcountry of Olympic National…

  • Greetings from Yellowstone National Park

    My wife and I love Yellowstone NP and were able to share a journey to the park with our grandson. It was his first trip to see the beauty of the park. He had the bonus of getting to see a black bear up close and personal.

  • Greetings from Grand Teton National Park

    I selected the Grand Teton NP to write about because it is one of my whole family’s favorite. Visiting the national parks began for my family shortly after we were married. It started with a 2 week vacation out west that spanned 5 NP. The beauty, vastness and splendor was…



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