Press Release Nov 7, 2020

President-Elect Biden to Prioritize Conservation and Climate Change, Benefitting National Parks Across the Country

"Together, we can make a real difference for our communities, our parks and our environment." - Theresa Pierno

Washington, DC – Today, as Joe Biden is declared the next president of the United States of America, the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA) commits to working with the new administration on promises to take drastic action to address climate change and conserve the nation’s lands and waters, including our national parks. President-Elect Biden has run on a platform supportive of action on climate change and upholding science and bedrock environmental protections – a shift from the current administration’s anti-environmental record on parks and public lands.

For nearly four years, the current administration has taken aim at policies that protect our national parks, wildlife, clean air and water, and climate. More than one hundred environmental safeguards have been rolled back, including the Clean Water Rule, numerous Endangered Species Act regulations and the National Environmental Policy Act, a 50-year-old law that has given people a voice in how their public lands are used. These will be among the first policies NPCA works to reinstate under a new Biden administration.

And more immediately, there is still work to be done for national parks in the current Congress, including numerous park expansion bills, such as Rim of the Valley and Saguaro, and multiple bills supporting action on climate change and environmental justice. NPCA also continues to fight in court, as the future of our national monuments and the Antiquities Act, along with critical clean air and water laws are pending in court. We remain committed to fighting for our national parks during this period of transition and will work with the new Congress and Biden administration in January.

Statement from Theresa Pierno, President and CEO for the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA):

“Though our country is going through a period of change, our national parks can help bridge political differences, as they’ve done so many times before. We’ve seen the power our parks have to unite us as Congress and the current administration came together to pass critical legislation to fix our parks and protect millions of acres of public lands. Our country needs bipartisan efforts like these more than ever.

“Together, we can make a real difference for our communities, our parks and our environment. As we have for more than a century, NPCA remains committed to working on behalf of our national parks and all and all who work to safeguard them. And we urge everyone who cares for our parks and all they protect to join us.

“The last four years have been brutal for our national parks and public lands. Clean air safeguards were erased, park wildlife was endangered, and clean water protections were undermined. Under this administration, we haven’t had a permanent Director of the National Park Service, creating instability and damage that could take years to reverse. Turmoil and pro-industry appointees at the top levels of the Interior Department, Environmental Protection Agency and Bureau of Land Management have forced these agencies to prioritize the development of Americans’ public lands over protecting our national parks and neighboring communities.

“We have serious work ahead of us to undo the damage that has been done to our national parks and public lands. But we are ready. We will forge key relationships with the Biden administration, as well as with new allies and returning park champions in Congress, and work together on behalf of our national parks.”


About National Parks Conservation Association: Since 1919, the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association has been the leading voice in safeguarding our national parks. NPCA and its more than 1.3 million members and supporters work together to protect and preserve our nation’s most iconic and inspirational places for future generations. For more information, visit

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