Press Release Jan 18, 2017

Trump’s EPA Pick Threat to National Parks

Confirmation Hearing for Oklahoma AG Pruitt Shows Nominee Would Weaken Critical Protections for Park Air, Water

WASHINGTON – Below is a statement by Theresa Pierno, President and CEO of National Parks Conservation Association, in response to the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee’s hearing on the nomination of Attorney General Scott Pruitt to be Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:

“As I sat in the nomination hearing for Scott Pruitt today, I was even more alarmed by the fact that he could be confirmed as our next EPA administrator. Among other things, I’m troubled by his assertion that ‘the role of a regulator is to make things regular.’ What is regular about Glacier National Park losing its glaciers or Joshua Tree National Park losing its Joshua trees? What is regular about storm surges from Superstorm Sandy wiping out areas of Gateway National Recreation Area? What is becoming regular is becoming increasingly dangerous for our national parks. The science is clear. Climate change is to blame.

“Our national parks need an EPA administrator who is committed to combating – not questioning – climate change, one of the greatest threats facing them. Pruitt is not only skeptical of climate science, but he has actively worked against protections for our parks’ air and water. It is clear he is not the right person to lead one of the most important agencies to protect these resources.”


About National Parks Conservation Association

Since 1919, the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association has been the leading voice in safeguarding our national parks. NPCA and its more than one million members and supporters work together to protect and preserve our nation’s natural, historic, and cultural heritage for future generations. For more information, visit

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