Letter Mar 23, 2010

Reacting to Proposed Ozone Standards

Comments on Proposed Ozone Standards (757 KB)

The undersigned groups submit these comments to the EPA Administrator and staff regarding the proposed revisions to the 2008 national ambient air quality standard for ozone. We represent conservation and recreation organizations from across the United States with a collective membership of over 1 million nationally.

Ground-level ozone is a “summer-time” pollutant that is problematic due to pre-cursor emissions primarily from mobile and large industrial sources, such as coal power plants. Setting protective, science-based standards is essential to addressing this man-made pollution and providing Americans cleaner air and protecting natural resources. In other comments, some of the undersigned organizations discuss the primary standard in detail. These comments concentrate on the proposed secondary standard, reflecting our organizations important concern with protecting national parks, other wilderness areas, and the natural environment.

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