- State: NY
- NPCA Region: Northeast
- Est. Date: 1938
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Saratoga National Historical Park commemorates the Battles of Saratoga, where the American victory over British forces proved a tipping point during the Revolutionary War.
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Read more about Help Prevent Revolutionary War Sites from Crumbling into History
NPCA at Work Help Prevent Revolutionary War Sites from Crumbling into History America’s most treasured places face significant challenges, including insufficient funding to repair and maintain important pieces of our country’s past. We need Congress to increase funding for our national parks so that Revolutionary War sites and other parts of our shared history can be preserved for generations to come.
Read more about Great American Outdoors Act Success Stories
Fact Sheet Great American Outdoors Act Success Stories The Great American Outdoors Act is providing crucial funding – up to $6.65 billion over five years – to fix our national parks’ crumbling roads, decaying buildings, outdated water systems and many more repair needs. This bill, along with other funding sources, is ensuring our parks can continue to welcome millions of visitors each year and protect the natural and cultural resources that tell our nation’s history.
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