Policy Update Dec 4, 2023

Position on H.R. 6368, Indian Buffalo Management Act

NPCA submitted the following position to members of the Committee on Natural Resources Subcommittee on Indian and Insular Affairs ahead of a hearing scheduled for December 5, 2023.

H.R. 6368 – Indian Buffalo Management Act: NPCA supports this legislation, which would expand the capacity of Indian Tribes and Tribal organizations to restore, conserve and enhance buffalo populations and habitat through the establishment of a permanent program for buffalo restoration in the Department of the Interior. Historically buffalo were found throughout North America, including lands that are now designated as national parks. This legislation is an important step in returning and sustaining buffalo on tribal lands and ensuring tribes have access to buffalo for cultural, spiritual and subsistence purposes. The bill also includes a provision which would support the transfer of buffalo from federal lands to tribal lands, which could expand opportunities for disease-free Yellowstone buffalo to be transferred to tribal lands rather than being subjected to the ship-to-slaughter program that takes place yearly.