Policy Update Apr 6, 2022

NPCA position on H.R. 920 and H.R. 2626

NPCA sent the following positions to the House Natural Resources Committee ahead of a markup scheduled for April 6, 2022. 

H.R. 920 - Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site Expansion Act: This legislation expands the boundaries of Brown v. Board in Topeka, Kansas, by adding three affiliated sites in Virginia, Delaware, and DC and one site deemed for acquisition by NPS in South Carolina, all of which support and enhance the agency’s ability to interpret and preserve the story of Brown v. Board of Education. Each of these locations are associated with the three court cases filed in Brown v. Board and their significance has been well-documented. NPCA is highly supportive of the bill language that calls for respectful and thoughtful collaboration with existing local entities by NPS.

H.R. 2626 - To redesignate the Pullman National Monument in the State of Illinois as the Pullman National Historical Park, and for other purposes: NPCA supports this legislation to redesignate Pullman National Monument as Pullman National Historical Park. This bill closely mirrors the bipartisan legislation introduced in 2014 to establish Pullman as a national historical park and to provide the National Park Service with the ability to enter cooperative agreements and provide technical assistance and support to other entities for historic renovation within the park boundary. The provisions in this bill are critical for the National Park Service to work with its many partners and improve this historic treasure located in a disinvested area of Chicago’s south side.