Policy Update Jan 3, 2019

Welcome to the 116th Congress

On behalf of all of us who work at the National Parks Conservation Association and our more than 1.3 million members and supporters nationwide, welcome to the 116th Congress.

As you carry out your important duties and responsibilities, we hope you will keep in mind the extraordinary place the national parks hold in American life.

We look forward to working with you and your staff to address the national park-related issues that matter so much to your constituents. We hope the information below will be useful in that regard, and we hope you will not hesitate to call on us whenever we can be of help. We know you will agree that even in these challenging and tumultuous times, taking care of our national parks should continue to be an important national priority.

Congress & the National Parks

Units of the National Park System are located in all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and American Samoa. They are economic drivers, cultural centers, and recreation providers in our communities. Get to know the national parks near you.

List of National Parks by State

Map of Parks by Congressional District

About National Parks Conservation Association

Since 1919, NPCA has been the leading voice of the American people in protecting and enhancing our National Park System’s most significant lands and landmarks. Founded as an independent voice outside of government that could advocate on behalf of our national parks and monuments, NPCA is the only national, independent, membership organization advocating to protect and to enhance our parks for present and future generations.

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About the National Park Service

The National Park Service preserves unimpaired the natural and cultural resources and values of the National Park System for the enjoyment, education, and inspiration of this and future generations. This mission is derived from The National Park Service Organic Act of 1916, signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on August 25, 1916.

Learn more about the National Park Service

Contact National Park Service officials

Key NPCA Issues

Clean Air - Air pollution is among the most serious threats to our national parks and monuments. Dirty air ruins scenic views, harms wildlife and historic sites, and affects the health of visitors.

Climate Change - To keep parks safe from the greatest threat they have ever faced we must do two things: reduce climate pollution and help parks respond to destructive changes already underway.

Energy - Drilling and mining for resources in and around park lands can harm fragile ecosystems, impact wildlife habitat, and contaminate air and water in the communities that surround them.

History & Culture - The National Park Service plays a vital role in telling the whole of America’s history and preserving our nation’s diverse heritage.

Landscapes - National parks support broader conservation, serving as anchors of larger ecosystems, pathways linking wildlife habitat and catalysts for resource protection.

Park Funding - Our national parks need the necessary support to reach their full potential and preserve our history, culture and natural wonders.

Visitor Experience - National parks provide unforgettable experiences for millions of visitors, but we need to ensure that the parks’ invaluable resources remain protected.

Clean Water - Water gives life to our national parks, shaping land and sustaining plants and animals. Yet, outside the parks, the health of these waters is being jeopardized.

Wildlife - Our national parks provide some of the best, and sadly some of the last, remaining habitats for countless species.

Click here for recent policy positions on these issues.

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