Press Release Jun 13, 2016

New Agreement Marks Progress Toward Preserving Lands Within Grand Teton National Park

At the Western Governors’ Association’s annual meeting, Interior Secretary Jewell and Wyoming Governor Matt Mead announced inroads towards completing the purchase of two State school land parcels located within Grand Teton National Park.

Background: At the Western Governors’ Association’s annual meeting today in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Interior Secretary Jewell and Wyoming Governor Matt Mead announced inroads towards completing the purchase of two State school land parcels located within Grand Teton National Park. Jewell announced that the Department of Interior plans to purchase the parcels, known as Antelope Flats and Kelly, through a combination of private fundraising and federal funding through the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).

The Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) proposal for fiscal year 2017 included $22.5 million to help purchase Antelope Flats. Secretary Jewell’s announcement welcomed by attendees and community residents and will benefit the millions of visitors who travel to Wyoming each year to experience the scenery and wildlife of Grand Teton National Park. This significant level of federal investment is critical to preserve these state-owned lands within Grand Teton and philanthropic efforts to help complete the purchase demonstrate the value of public/private collaborations to preserve our parks.

Underscoring the importance of preserving the lands before the end of the Obama Administration, Grand Teton National Park was selected by NPCA as one of nine #ParksInPeril.

Below is a statement by Sharon Mader, NPCA Grand Teton Program Manager

“Protecting these lands in perpetuity would represent a victory for landscape conservation, for wildlife habitat preservation and for the continued enjoyment of Grand Teton National Park’s visitors. These important state-owned lands within Grand Teton are home to bear, elk, moose, wolves and pronghorn.

“With $23 million already proposed for this purchase through the Land and Water Conservation Fund, efforts are underway to preserve this remarkable, wildlife-rich and scenic landscape within Grand Teton National Park. We urge Congress to support this proposal by providing the $23 million requested to keep these negotiations headed in the right direction towards the completion of this historic sale.”

“It is particularly relevant for this opportunity to advance, as we celebrate the National Park Service’s 100th birthday this year.”


About National Parks Conservation Association: Since 1919, the nonpartisan National Parks Conservation Association has been the leading voice in safeguarding our national parks. NPCA and its more than one million members and supporters work together to protect and preserve our nation’s natural, historic, and cultural heritage for future generations. For more information, visit

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