Please join park supporters and volunteers today in urging Congress to increase funding for our parks. More needs to be done to ensure our national treasures are protected.

Our national parks are struggling with underfunding and understaffing while many are experiencing a record number of visitors every year.

We are glad more people want to see the geysers in Yellowstone and the rolling mountains at Shenandoah. These are experiences of a lifetime for so many people, but it can be a challenge for park staff to keep areas clean, provide interpretive tours and make needed repairs in a timely way. In addition to these challenges, the agency is struggling to tackle more intense and frequent climate change impacts, making it even more difficult to effectively manage and preserve historic assets.

Between 2012 and 2022, park visitation grew by 10%, but staffing eroded by 13%. In fact, national parks employ 2,200 fewer staff now than they did in 2011. And the additional funding cuts included in the most recent spending bill enacted by Congress will only make matters worse, leading to fewer staff and resources.

Our parks need more, not less. A robust funding increase is critical to bring back more staff to parks across the country and provide the resources they need to help parks thrive for generations to come.

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